Yesterday I came across a Facebook post which said that this year also ten thousand graduates passed out in Karachi and there are no job opportunities for them. Look at the means by which they can support their families.
There is no denying the importance of education but the degree that can be obtained just for the sake of getting a job is becoming a burden nowadays - so it is time to change our thinking and we need to give our new generation a degree as well. We also need to bring them to the learning of skills - so that after completing their education they will have less reliance on degrees for employment and they will be able to run their home with skills - today we will give you something like this. Explain the professions that a person can never be unemployed in the hope of getting a job, but can earn more money by working as a freelancer.
1: Electronics
Our homes usually have electrical products that are bound to break down over time - including televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc. In order to get rid of the existing problem, we turn to people who know the work. There are many institutes that offer a diploma after completing the course in two years. There are many experienced people who learn to work by keeping children with them so that by learning this job in their spare time, a person can easily start his own work and earn a living.
2: Mechanic
Having a car or motorbike is becoming a hobby as well as a necessity - and every person who has a ride must take it to a compulsory mechanic every fortnight to get it fixed - and to the mechanic Instead of asking about his degree, he looks at his skills in his work. A two-year diploma can also be obtained from various institutes to learn the work of a mechanic - or by working with a specialist teacher for a short period of time. You can make a lot of money.
3: Plumber
Water lines are essential in every home to provide water supply which can be disrupted over time - in which case everyone is aware of the need for plumbing and its importance - to learn this job. Absolutely not difficult nor does it require very expensive tools to do the job. Even with this skill money can be easily earned.
4: Electrician
Institutions that offer diplomas for this job also offer a two-year diploma, but at the same time this job can be learned in practice - and the installation of circuit preparation switchboards etc. inside the houses doing this work. They can also work on fuses etc. and earn good money by working as a freelancer
5: Computer and mobile Hardware work
In today's world of computers and mobiles, their presence is a must in every home - so the importance of their experts is also very high and people often look for experts in this field, so this work too. One can easily earn a living by learning -
Very nice sir